
District Supply Department

The District supply department within the Collector’s office, Akola, focuses on ensuring the availability and fair distribution of essential commodities, enforcing regulations related to the Essential Commodities Act, and overseeing matters related to weights and measures.

  • Ensuring Supply of Essential Commodities:

The department plays a crucial role in ensuring the adequate supply of essential commodities, both in the open market and through the Public Distribution System (PDS).

  • Enforcing the Essential Commodities Act:

They are responsible for enforcing control orders passed under the Essential Commodities Act, 1955, which aims to stabilize prices and prevent hoarding or unfair practices.

  • Monitoring Weights and Measures:

The department also deals with matters related to weights and measures, ensuring accuracy and fair trade practices.

  • Coordination with other Departments:

The District Supply Officer coordinates with other government departments and agencies to ensure smooth functioning of the supply chain and fair distribution of essential commodities.



    • Ration Card Management’s are involved in managing ration cards and ensuring their proper issuance and distribution.
    • Public Distribution System (PDS):They oversee the functioning of the PDS, ensuring that essential commodities reach the intended beneficiaries.
    • Price Control: They monitor prices of essential commodities and take necessary action to prevent price gouging or unfair practices.
    • Disaster Management :In times of natural disasters or emergencies, they play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth supply of essential commodities to affected areas.

1.Anandacha Shidha:

  • 1. Distribution of Anandacha Shidha on the occasion of Diwali Festival in 2022
  • 2. Distribution of Anandacha Shidha on the occasion Gudhipadwa, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti, 2023:-
  • 3.Distribution of Ananadacha Shidha on the occasion of Gauri-Ganpati and Diwali Festival in 2023 :-
  • 4.Distribution of Aanandacha Shidha on the occasion of Shri Ram Pranpratishtha & Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti in 2024:-Beneficiary:

Under the National Food Security Act, 2013 Antyodaya Food Yojana, Preference Family as well as APL (Orange) Farmer Ration Card Holders from 14 Farmer Suicide affected Districts namely All Districts of Aurangabad and Amravati Divisions and Wardha of Nagpur Division.


1 Shidha Kit per Ration Card.

2.Minimum Support Price (MSP)

  • Minimum Support Price is a central government scheme for the benefit of farmers. Under this scheme, the central government announces the minimum support prices of various food grains. In order to enable the farmers to get the benefit of the MSP, the government procures the paddy/coarse grains of fair average quality (FAQ) from the farmers. Food Corporation of India works as the “Nodal Agency” of the Central Government in the State of Maharashtra.
  • The scheme is implemented by the State Government on behalf of the Food Corporation of India through two state agencies namely The Maharashtra State Co-operative Marketing Federation, Mumbai (in non-tribal areas) and The Maharashtra State Co-operative Tribal Development Corporation, Nashik (in tribal areas).
  • NEML (agency) does the registration of the paddy/coarse grains producing farmers and the entire procurement system is online. The district Supply system is responsible for the overall control of the process. The funds for capital expenditure required for this scheme is met from the Personal Ledger Account (PLA) of the department and the reimbursement is received from the Central Government after submitting the final accounts to them.
  • The Central Govt. has declared the Minimum Support Price for the season 2023-24. Accordingly The Department has declared the minimum support price, the procurement process, guidelines, terms and conditions and the related matters vide the GR dated 24.11.2023.


Farmers who are registered under minimum support price scheme.


The amount declared by Government of India for the respective marketing season is directly transferred into beneficiary’s (farmer’s) account.

How To Apply

Farmers can do registration either through Mahanondani app, or can visit a procurement center nearby. Documents required for this purpose are as follows:
Adhar card
Bank pass book/Cancelled cheque
Recent 7/12 document.


3.APL Farmer

With a view to reduce the number of farmer suicides in the state, Government of Maharashtra has decided to implement Direct Benefit Transfer-DBT scheme of ₹150/- per beneficiary per month instead of food grains from January, 2023 to all APL (saffron) cardholder farmers of drought prone 14 districts which includes all the districts of Aurangabad and Amravati divisions and Wardha in Nagpur division. G.R. dated 28.02.2023 has been issued in this regard. As per the increase in minimum support price every year, according to the provisions of the Cash Transfer of Food Subsidy Rules, 2015 notified by the Central Government, the revised incremental cash amount will be directly transferred to the beneficiary every year. According to the provisions of the said G.R., a total amount of ₹ 179.87 crore has been made available to the concerned districts for the period of January 2023 to March 2023 and amount of 168.75 crore has been made available for the period of April 2023 to June 2023. Accordingly, the process of depositing the cash amount in the beneficiary’s bank account is underway.




Direct Benefit Transfer-DBT of ₹150/- per beneficiary per month

How To Apply

Visit Tehsil Office

4.One Nation One Ration Card

  • One Nation One Card scheme is being implemented in the state since 1st January, 2020. Under this Government of India scheme, the beneficiaries of Public Distribution System have choice to avail their ration under NFSA from any ration shop of their convenience in All States/UTs.
  • Migrating beneficiaries like migrant labors, sugarcane workers, tribals etc. have been made available the facility to receive their entitled food-grains through portability on e-POS devices in any fair price shop at their place of migration.
  • Food-grains are distributed to the beneficiaries using the 12 digit number on the existing ration cards through Aadhaar authentication.
  • Under this scheme, 64854 ration card holders in Maharashtra have received their food-grains from other states while 521696 ration card holders from other states have received their food-grains in Maharashtra from January 2020 till December, 2023.
  • Under ONORC scheme, average 10 lakh/month beneficiaries are lifting food-grain within state (Intrastate).
  • A helpline number 14445 has been made operational for information and grievance redressal regarding One Nation One Card scheme.


All NFSA Beneficiaries (Migrant Labors, tribals, etc.)


According to the Type of Ration Card (AAY/PHH)

How To Apply

Migrating beneficiaries have been made available the facility to receive their entitled food-grains through portability on e-POS devices in any fair price shop at their place of migration.


To provide food at discounted rates to the poor and needy people of the state, the state government started Shiv Bhojan Yojana according to the government decision dated January 01, 2020 from dt. 26.01.2020. Shiv Bhojan Thali includes 2 chapatis, 1 bowl of cooked vegetables, 1 bowl of dal and 1 Mood rice. “Shiv Bhojan Application” has been developed to implement the Shiv Bhojan Scheme. Shivbhojan thali is distributed only by using it. Before distributing shiv bhojan thali it is mandatory to take the name, photograph of the beneficiary while the phone number is optional. On this app Shiv Bhojan Kendra owner can publish the daily menu.

At present the Shiv Bhojan scheme has a target of 2.00 lakhs thalis per day and 1904 Shiv Bhojan centers are functioning in the state. To maintain effective control over Shiv Bhojan centers installation of CCTV is done also geo-fencing facility has been started in 100 meter radius. So, the Shiv Bhojan Center owners can conduct Shiv Bhojan transactions within 100 meters radius of the Shiv Bhojan center. Total 18,83,96,254 Shiv Bhojan Thalis have been made available to the beneficiaries since the inception of Shiv Bhojan Yojana till 27.03.2024.


Any person


One plate contains 2 Rotis, 1 bowl of cooked veggie, 1 bowl of dal & 1 bowl of rice.

How To Apply

Visit to Shivbhojan center between 11.00 am to 3.00 pm
(Note : Every Shivbhojan center has plate limit.

6.Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY)

The poorest of the poor households are provided food grains (Wheat at Rs.2/- per kg and Rice at Rs.3/- per kg) under this scheme w.e.f. 1/5/2001.

The Government of India further extended AAY with a target of 5.011 lakh beneficiaries to the State, Under this scheme, Households headed by widows or Terminally ill persons or disabled persons or persons aged 60 years or more or single women or single men with no assured means of subsistence or social support; all Primitive Tribal Households are given priority.

The Government of India further extended AAY with a target of 4.81 lakh beneficiaries to the State, under this scheme, families falling under following categories have been identified and they are provided food grains.
(a) Land less agriculture labors, marginal farmers, rural artisans / craftsmen such as potters, tanners, weavers, blacksmiths, carpenters, slum dwellers and persons earning their livelihood on daily basis in the informal sector like porters, coolies, rickshaw pullers, hand cart pullers, fruit and flower sellers, snake charmers, rag pickers, cobblers, destitute and other similar categories in both rural and urban areas.

The Government of India the Third Expansion of Antyodaya Anna Yojana has given a target of 521500 beneficiaries to the state.
Government has issued a Circular on 11/9/2009 to all concerned officers about giving AAY ration cards on priority to HIV/AIDS persons and Leprosy Affected Persons whose names are included in BPL lists and within the target.


AAY Ration Card Holders


35 Kg of Food-grain per month (Currently at free of cost)

How To Apply

Visit nearby Rationing office or Apply through Ration Card Management System available in Services Tab from Citizen’s Corner menu on the page.

Sr.No Service Name Link
1 Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection Department
2 Aadhaar enabled Public Distributions System-AePDS